Listen to Local Events of Solana: Guide
Solana, a fast and scale blockchain platform has gained popularity in recent years. One of the reasons for its success is its ability to connect users with events on the web. However, not all users have access to MAINNET or DEVET, which makes the challenge of updating important events.
In this article, we will explore the best ways to listen to the events of Solana de Localnet, a decentralized network that allows everyone to participate in the blockchain.
What is Localnet?
Localnet is a partner network (P2P) built above the Solana protocol. It is intended to provide a protected and decentralized means for users to interact with each other without relying on central authorities or intermediaries. Localnet allows everyone to create, manage and participate in the network, whatever their geographic location.
How to listen to Solana events on Localnet
Although helium is one of the most famous solutions for listening to Solarian and Solane Mainnet events, there are indeed new ways to do so on Localnet. Here is a guide to help you start:
Use of local events built
Localnet provides an integrated event earphone that allows users to receive significant event notifications such as block confirmations, transactions and suggestions. To use this feature, follow these steps:
- Install CLA Solana: Make sure you have the most version of the Solana client installed on your machine.
- Contact LocalNet: Use the
Solanna Cli
command to connect to the local network.
- Activate listening to the event: Complete the Active-Event-Ralistner’s command. This will activate the event auditor and you will start to receive notifications on upcoming events.
Use of a personalized event of the event
If you want more control over the experience of your event or if you have to integrate it into other services, you can create a personalized event earphone using the SDK Solana. Here is an example of how to create an adult of the event:
Const Solanaclient = New Solanaclient ();
Async Onevent function (event) {
Console.log (event received: $ {} - $ {Event.Value}
Solanaclient.on (‘events’, (event) => {
Onevent (event);
Use of web3.js and a localnet web3 supplier
Alternatively, you can use the web3.js library to connect your DAPP to Localnet and listen to events. Here is an example of the creation of a major event event using the Localnet web3 web3 supplier:
Const web3 = requirement ('web3');
Const Solanaclient = New Solanaclient ();
Const LocalNetProvider = New Web3.Providers.httpprovider ('
Async Onevent function (event) {
Console.log (event received: $ {} - $ {Event.Value}
Solanaclient.on (‘events’, (event) => {
Onevent (event);
“ ‘
Listening to local Solana events is a direct process that requires minimal adjustment. Using the local events built, creating personalized events with Solana SDK or the integration of the Web3.js and local web3 supplier, you can be up to date with important events that occur on your local network.
Do not forget to always follow best practices when working with decentralized networks, including security and confidential reasons.
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