Metamask: Web3 Transaction working on Metamask but not on Trust wallet

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Metamk and Trust Wallet: Understanding the problem with Web3 surgery

Recently, the world of cryptocurrencies is growing rapidly as many users have switched from traditional cash services such as Bitcoin Wallet or Electrole to more complex solutions such as Metamk and Trust Wallet. Both platforms have made great progress in providing a hassle -free experience for users to communicate with decentralized programs (Daps) Ethereum Blockchain.

However, I recently encountered a problem when my Web3 deal was only in Metamk, but not on Trust Wallet. In this article we will deepen why this can happen and we will provide a possible solution.

Question: Different Ether

When it comes to communicating with a Dapps Ethereum blockchain, users often need to use Ethereum Web3 API (Web3) to send operations or interact with intellectual contracts. The Web3 API is a standard interface designed to access the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) that allows developers to create and install DAPP.

The Metamk browser extension was optimized to work seamlessly with the Web3 API, allowing users to access EVM, no need to download additional software. However, when I tried to use Trust Wallet, a different portfolio service that also used Web3 API, my operations began to crash.

Solution: Ether Library Research

To determine the problem, I decided to study the euters.js library, which is used by both Metamask and the Trust portfolio. After analyzing the code, I noticed that the object was replaced with a different copy of the Web3 API using a variable Window.Web3.

Here is an excerpt from my code:


If (Window.Thereum) {

Window.Web3 = new web3 (window.ethereum);



The code string that caused the problem is the one in which I changed the euters.js library with another copy using Window.Web3.


In conclusion, the problem is how Metamk and Trust Wallet deal with API on Web3. Although Metamk uses a different example of the Web3 API from Trust Wallet, this may not be enough to provide a smooth interaction between the two platforms.

To solve this problem, it is recommended to use the uniform method to achieve EVM by Metamask and Trust Wallet. One possible solution is to create a common Window.Web3 object, which can be used on both platforms.


Metamask: Web3 Transaction working on Metamask but not on Trust wallet

  • To avoid such future problems, consider using a copy of API Web3 throughout your app.

  • If you need to maintain multiple cash services, make sure that each service uses a different copy of API on Web3.

  • Consider using a library like Euters.js, which allows EVM to be fading and standardized.

Following these steps, you can guarantee that your DAPP interacts smoothly with both Metamk and Trust Wallet, without problems with WEB3 work.


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